Happy Homes
What makes a Happy Home?
Each person may have a different idea and it is probably a great question to ask the people you live with just so you can see if you are on the same page. A teenager may say good food in the fridge, an older person may say peace and quiet, one may say a tidy home another a clean home.
Here at Good News Network Happy Homes we have info on:
My home is not a place, it is people. ~ Lois McMaster Bujold
Being happy in unhappy times
Consider where your food comes from
Good for baby, good for the environment - when starting first foods
Waste free lunches - Suggestions for a small carbon footprint at work or at school when making lunches.
Modern technology helping to keep remote African communities connected. Read on...
Secrets of a Happy Home:
No 1 - Spend some time together: seem simple? here are some suggestions for doing this in neutral territory - the great outdoors:
Take a hike, Go on a picnic, Star gazing, Go fishing, Fly a kite...
This family has found a way to stay in touch across the miles and be creative too. Separated by thousands of miles, they post beautiful photos about their lives and keep connected. The photos are just lovely and so is the site.
U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Daniel McKittrick, celebrates with children before a water project dedication ceremony in Magu, Tanzania. The project provides clean drinking water to thousands of villagers in the region of Tanzania, Africa.
Happy People = Happy Homes an article by Cara Quinn, at Try Handmade® People not Factories. A two part series on Living Arrangements. This post is all about Happy Homes, how to be satisfied with your home and how to make the best of what you have.
Read article at the cheery, quaint handmade site.
Enviro friendly cleaning.
Find out how to
'Safer Cleaning and Better Living Tips' by Zoe James. Envirobooks
An example is Zoe's bathroom mould remover ' Mix vinegar and some bicarbonate of soda, making a paste. Apply to area and leave for at least 30 minutes. Scour area with mixture then rinse.'
Free Help for the Disorganised.
Get your Home Organised with Fly lady's simple routines.The ultimate housecleaning and organisation site with homespun humour to keep your home happy. Fly Lady will help you at absolutely no charge.
Fly Lady's 6 lessons on giving' rooms a make-over with out spending a lot of money. No interior designers necessary, just your own eyes, a timer and your creativity.' This essay concentrates on the dining room and the entance of your home.
FlyLady's Crisis Cleaning: a crash cleaning marathon session in 15 minute intervals. See Lesson's here
Stain Removal and Speed Cleaning.
'Spotless - Room-by-room solutions to domestic disasters' by Shannon Lush & Jennifer Fleming -
This book is more than just stain removal, you get handy hints for around the home. Did you know to 'Place a layer of paper towel in the bottom of a sugar container to prevent lumping...'? Did you know not to place indoor plants near electical equipment? Why? 'Plants don't like electromagnetic fields, and electrical equipment doesn't like water.'
Shannon and Jane have another book - 'Speed Cleaning - A Spotless House in Just 15 Minutes A Day' by Shannon Lush and Jennifer Fleming - self explanatory really. Includes advice on spring cleaning, organising tips and more tips on stain removal.
Chicago neighbour opens her home to children in her community. Since 2003, Latiker has listened to more than 1,500 young people through her nonprofit community program, Kids Off the Block. She quit her job and invited 'gang' kids into her home to help improve the situation in her city. Continue reading at CNN. See Diane Latiker tell her story below.
Positive Parenting - small changes can make a big difference to the stress levels, happiness and well-being of each family.
Top 10 tips for parents from Professor Matt Sanders of the Parent and Family Support Centre at the University of Queensland, Australia. The Triple P parenting program was put to the test in the UK and is now in Australia. More info... and more tips.
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SUPPORT The Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF) as they continue to help families living in remote and isolated regions of Australia.
1 Norway,
2 Australia,
3 Switzerland ,
4 Netherlands,
5 United States ,
6 Germany,
7 New Zealand,
8 Canada,
9 Singapore,
10 Denmark
Human Development Index released by the United Nations Development Programme. (UNDP) National achievement in health, education and income including income distribution, life expectancy, access to health services and schooling.
“The Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index helps us assess better the levels of development for all segments of society, rather than for just the mythical ‘average’ person,” said Milorad Kovacevic, statistician for the Human Development Report. See Human Development Index (HDI) - 2014 Rankings for more countries rankings
early play - best books for baby, outdoor activities for young children, rhymes, preschool artists, learning empathy and cooperation and love of nature, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, toilet training, best toys...
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