Previously on network for Good news
  • Focused On The Positive - an interactive blog, designed to uplift and inspire, to encourage the idea that it is better to give service than be selfish.
  • For Goodness Sake Archives - Upbeat, positive, good-news stories about acts of kindness.
  • Good Mood News - Read only good news from around the world.
  • Good News Agency - Carries positive world news re voluntary work,  United Nations, organizations and institutions engaged in improving the quality of life.
  • Good News Broadcast - Features good news from domestic and international sources.
  • Good News Gazette - Positive world stories covering the arts, entertainment, business, environment, health, human interest, science and technology.
  • Good News India - A site dedicated to reporting little known stories of positive action and quiet endeavor by Indians.
  • - Positive U.S. and international news. Topics include business, sports, entertainment, health, science, technology, and heroes.
  • Heroic Stories - Stories about everyday real people who step help others when they are needed.
  • Honesty Blog- Positive, inspirational and good news stories from around the world about honesty and good deeds. People are invited to share their inspiring stories.
  • Kids News Network -  what kids are doing around the world
  • Only Positive News - Coverage focused on survivors, the miracles, and those people who rush to help in difficult situations. Items of empowerment and inspiration.
  • Positive News - A British not-for-profit company publishing a quarterly international newspaper reporting on the people, events and influences that are creating a positive future.
  • Silver Lining News - Committed to bring good news to all who want to find them.  Publishes stories from the readers.
  •  South Africa - The Good News - a news website that highlights the positive developments in South Africa.
  • The Good Deeds Organisation - where you can read or leave good deeds
  • The Great News Network - Provides news stories about the environment, world events, health, science and technology.

  • The Happy Times - Monthly community newspaper for Florida focusing on positive news and uplifting stories.
  • UpBeat - Focusing on positive, uplifting, good news of local and general interest.
  • Upbeat News - Coverage of not-for-profit and community groups throughout New Jersey.
  • Weird Wonderful World News  a world of weird and wonderful occurences all in the same place.
  • Woohoo! Report - Good news across the world, updated frequently.


    2013 National NAIDOC Week Theme

    The theme for NAIDOC Week 2013 is We value the vision: Yirrkala Bark Petitions 1963.

    This year’s theme proudly celebrates the 50th anniversary of the presentation of the Yirrkala Bark Petitions to the Federal Parliament.

    In August 1963, the Yolngu people of Yirrkala in northeast Arnhem Land sent two bark petitions – framed by traditional ochre paintings of clan designs – to the Australian House of Representatives.

    The petitions protested the Commonwealth’s granting of mining rights on land excised from Arnhem Land reserve and sought the recognition by the Australian Parliament of the Yolngu peoples’ traditional rights and ownership of their lands. See more

    June is all about the environment:

    World Environment Day   - 5th - THINK EAT SAVE

    Global Wind Day   - 15th - Tell world leaders to switch to renewable energy

    World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought - 17th - raise awareness on water scarcity and drought preparedness.

    Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development - 20th to 22nd - The future we want


    What's happening in May?

    OZ' Water Week  

    National Volunteer Week   

    Walk Safely to School Day   

    National Sorry Day   

    National Reconciliation Week   

    Coming up in June: Red Nose Day   

     World Migratory Bird Day May 

    World Water Day is held annually on 22 March to focus attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. 2013.


    The International Day for Biological Diversity is 22 May. More info 

    World Migratory Bird Day is an annual campaign highlighting the need for the protection of migratory birds and their habitats. On the second weekend each May, people around the world take action and organize public events such as bird festivals, education programmes and birdwatching excursions to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day.

    International Day for Biological Diversity - 22 May

    The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 The International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues.


    2011 was the one hundred year celebration of International Women's Day 

    Book release in Australia 'The Power of 100' with foreward by Gail Kelly, Westpac CEO, has stories of 100 Australian women past and present including Cate Blanchet and Mary Reibey and other women who have shaped Australia.

    Mary Reibey, (1777 - 1855) featured on the current Australian $20.00 note, was transported to Australia as a convict and become a successful businesswoman in Sydney.

     Cate Blanchett - actress       Mary Reiby - convict & businesswoman       Cathy Freeman - sportswoman


     Australia's biggest morning tea 

    May 23 is morning tea time but you can host an event anytime throughout May or June. It's simple, fun and best of all for a great cause! All you need to do is set a date, brainstorm some great morning tea ideas, invite your guests and raise money to help support the fight against cancer. Want more details...

    Join Ian Kiernan and the Team to Clean Up Australia on Sunday 4 March!

    Read more about the Clean Up safety guidelinesincluding roadside safety. 

     Adelaide Fringe runs from 15 February – 17 March 2013

    Coming up in June: Red Nose Day   held annually on the last Friday in June, is the major fundraiser for SIDS and Kids.

    Coming up in June: MUSIC DAY which takes place each year on the 21st June 
    in more than 104 countries and 514 cities around the world! The event is also known as Fête de la Musique or World Music Day. Since it's origin in 1982 the idea has spread across the globe. The day is held on the mid-summer solstice and all concerts and events are free to the public.

    Find out how you can get involved by joining in or starting an event. 


    Have you heard of the following? Wu Zetian, Shagrat Al - Durr, Sonduk, Nur Jahan, Trotula, Melisende? What are they and what do they have in common?    They are famous women.

    March is Women's History Month so visit a great site about women: DISTINGUISHED WOMEN archived by the Library of Congress.


     "Well-behaved women seldom make history."  ― Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    "As a woman I have no country. As a woman I want no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world.” ― Virginia Woolf

    “Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure. You have no security unless you can live bravely, excitingly, imaginatively; unless you can choose a challenge instead of competence.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt     More quotes by women

    Good words

    It's all good, Good morning, Good day, Good afternoon, Good Evening, Good news, A nod's as good as a wink, Good things come in small packages, too good to be true, too good to miss, too much of a good thing, One good turn deserves another, Good show, feel's good, for good measure, Good Friday, good-hearted, good-humoured, good-looking, Good golly miss molly, good company, good cheer, so far so good, be good...
    Ashoka was a fierce warrior-king who changed his ways and became a beloved peacemaker.The battle of Kalinga in 250 B.C. changed everything. Ashoka was standing on the field after the fighting had ended. Surrounded by the dead bodies, he realized that more than 100,000 people had died because of his war. Horrified, he decided to change. He embraced the Buddhist belief of ahimsa, or non-violence. From that day on, he became known as Dharmashoka, or “the pious Ashoka”.