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This is GNN - the Good News Network - since 2005 - nothing but free good news and views from around the world in health, science, arts, environment & technology. A positive alternative to today's news all in one place:
Daily positive quotes, Put a smile on your dial, Happy Homes, Australian Good News, Health, Environment, GNN's award winning City of the Month , Help others - it's free, Peace, and now for the Good News...
Good News about peace, world peace & inner peace:
Goddess of Peace
Peace sign design
Nobel Peace Prize
Global Peace Index
We have new guest writers. If you would also like to write about positive and uplifting ideas, people and places please contact us.
Maria is a quirky Canadian and an optimistic mother of two. Read her post on how to stay happy.
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Street Graffiti: highlighting some of the best urban street art from around the world all in one place.
Find out what they are celebrating at GNN Happy Homes
here's a great idea this family has found for connecting from afar
Frugal Fridays at the blog...
What will motivate business in the future.
The Global Poverty Project has support from Australian actor Hugh Jackman, 2011 Australian of the Year Simon McKeon and Director of the Earth Institute Jeffrey Sachs.
Find out more about the Project
Visit the blog All Things Good for ongoing good news and to add your comments.
Have you heard of the Rolex Award for Enterprise? For more than 35 years these awards are given to a project that deserves support, a project that is improving lives, or protecting the world’s natural or cultural heritage.
Watch a beautiful video about the Rolex Awards.
Car free Sundays: at All Things Good
BE PART OF THE SOLUTION for the Sumatran tigers and orangutans and Asian elephant.
hi gnn... good luck, from d v sridharan publisher, good news india 20 Jul 2006
There have been 1 or 2 good news sites like these in the past but they have stopped. Please keep going.
From Lindsay 2005
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GNN - childhood - good news from around the world about children's achievements and what is happening to help children. DRAWING: THANKS tokyonitexs
Minerals and how they help us, including recommended daily doses
Massage Benefits Cancer Patients.
Treatment for peripheral neuropathy
Sleep Resources
Advances in the fight against Cancer
Hope for Type 2 diabetes
Eradicating polio
Alternative therapies
All at GNN Health
James is building a tiny house on wheels in his hope of living a greener, simpler and less stressful life. Read more...
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Positive news articles about the environment, people & health issues in beautiful Oz:
Spreading Optimism
“Our mission statement, is to spread the power of optimism,” said Bert Jacobs who uses the title chief executive optimist. “One way we do that is helping kids that need it, but it’s also just spreading good vibes, helping people focus on what’s good in the world.” Read full story of this lifestyle and clothing brand built on optimism that has their own charity: The Life is good Kids Foundation
Your mental well being can make you live longer and happier: A study by the Mayo Clinic showed that optimists lived longer than pessimists. Learn how to be more optimistic
Have you heard of Go Get Funding?
This is a site that helps you get financial support for a charity, creative venture or any worthwhile project. They are passionate about helping to make good things happen. That could range from helping you raise money for critical medical expenses, a once-in-a-lifetime volunteer trip or to launch an exciting new business.
The science of a meaningful life:
The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being. Based at the University of California, Berkeley, they also help people apply this research to their personal and professional lives. See more about their programs.
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