
International Good News

Our blog - All Things good

Weird Wonderful World News

South Africa Good News
Positive news about South Africa updated weekly

good news india
news from india of positive action and initiatives ( alas, only an interesting archive now)


David Suzuki Foundation                                                                                                                                        The latest environmental news and green living tips.

Taiga Rescue Network
"International network of non-governmental organizations, indigenous peoples and individuals working to defend the world's boreal forests "

World Watch Institute
Independent research for an environmentally sustainable and socially just society.

The Whalesong Project
Live whalesongs from underwater microphone, some photos and whale news

Many links to save the planet sites

the rainforest site
Click here daily to preserve the rainforests


Universal Declaration of Human Rights
On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the full text of which appears in these pages.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to reduce inequities and improve lives around the world.

the breast cancer site
Gives mammograms to women for free - just one click helps

give me the good news project
you can post good news

the hunger site
One click helps feed the hungry

the literacy site
Help provide books to children who need them - it's free, it's easy, it's quick

20 simple tips to be happy now
From Dr Happy's website

Fly Lady
The ultimate housecleaning and organisation site with homespun humour and it's all free.

Free Happiness Products
From the Happiness Institute

Your source for daily archaeological news and information

Kids Good News Network
News with a positive outlook - what kids are doing in sport, school, the environment, science and the world.

All Things Good blog about positive, cheery, happy things


Good News Australia  Positive news articles about the environment, people & health issues in beautiful Oz.

702 ABC Radio Sydney
Newsworthy, amusing, and educational. Connect to Sydney's stories. Drive with Richard Glover, the Kilby Fine Vinyl Collection, 702 Knit In, Self Improvement Wednesday, TGIF and afternoon's with James Valentine - who could ask for more?

Bush Rangers  Photographs and articles from @ 1805 to @ 1900 in Australia's history.



Auto immune Disorders
Informative and easy to understand list of over 70 disorders considered to affect the immune system with links to medical sites.

Minerals and your health. Information to help you select foods that provide adequate daily amounts of minerals that are required by the body and how they assist our health.


 EARLY PLAY AUSTRALIA - Early childhood news, blogs and community.

early play - early childhood education blog - good ideas for under 4's - activities, art, best toys, books, craft, development, celebrations, environment, parenting, rhymes and songs...


- nature and design ezine - eco friendly, inspired by the earth, the sky and the sea on our amazing planet.